Healing Canine Connections
Transform your relationship with your dog through holistic training and mindful practices for lasting harmony.
Healing Through Training
Our training programs focus on teaching the owner skills and lifetysle changes that transform your dog's behavior. You learn how to think like a dog, transforming you into a calm and confident "pack leader".
Board and Train
A 4 week program where you drop off your pup and I take them through the program from start to finish at my home.
After we finish the program you will have followup sessions to ensure you can implement the lifestyle changes at home.
In this 6 week program we will take your pack through the program with your option of group and one-one lessons.
You will have unlimited access through Telegram to ask any question sthat come up outside of class.
Trainer Lead DIY Program
Work Smarter Not Harder, with Tools
We specialize in teaching owners how to utilize tools such as e-collar and prong collars humanely. With us dog parents ca effectively use the most gentle and fair pressure. This provides clear communication and structure for your pets.
It helps take the emotions out of training so your pack can be calm and confident.
Sound like the Change you NEED?
If you've come this far, you're ready for a change! Don't stop now you can talk to us today about your dogs behavior